Commission on Wartime Contracting

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Hearing June 6, 2011

State Department contracting, response to CWC recommendations, and transition effort in Iraq and Afghanistan

On June 6, 2011, Ambassador Patrick F. Kennedy, Under Secretary of State for Management, testified before the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The hearing focused on: the Department of State’s response to the Commission’s second interim report to Congress; the treatment of contingency contracting in the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review; and State’s progress in expanding its presence and responsibilities in Iraq for the Defense-to-State transition.

The Commission has previously issued two special reports–the most recent being released on March 1, 2011–raising concerns about the planning, coordination, and contract oversight for the Defense-to-State transition. On October 1 of this year, State will take over responsibility for the U.S. presence in Iraq as U.S. troop strength draws down to essentially zero by December 31, 2011. At the hearing, the Commissioners further explored with Ambassador Kennedy transition-related challenges and concerns, including its ability to oversee its contract-management responsibilities and the question of whether State hired contractors were at risk of performing inherently governmental functions.

Ambassador Kennedy also elaborated on State’s response to the Commission's second interim report to Congress, "At What Risk? Correcting over-reliance on contractors in contingency operations."



Jun 06 2011 Hearing Video
678 MB
Windows Media File

Transcript: June 6, 2011 hearing transcript

Opening Statements & testimony

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